
Undisclosed? come on bro everyone knows where that is.

Streamlight polytac. Ive been using a few as a weapon lights as well as edc. it will take a beating and the output is great, 275 lumens, and 9500 candela, beam distance of about 200 meters, solid state regulation. Id through it up against any surfire light. The size is great to throw in your pocket, or have in your

Streamlight polytac. Ive been using a few as a weapon lights as well as edc. it will take a beating and the output

real question, does the military still do beach landings like this? it makes sense i guess but it seems a bit antiquated.

for a few grand, you betcha. the one pictured will run you about 8 thousand dollars.


lockers and i think hed have had an easier time getting out of there

Haha thats how an cop friend describes open carry. he says the guns he can see dont bother him because if youre not trying to hide it chances are you arent up to no good. its the ones you cant see that worry you.

im aware this is a super old post but, falkniven eh? haha kind of cool

I agree with that.

this plus infinity.

i think the logic still stands. you dont want to go to jail? dont break a guys neck and let him die. dont want to be harrased by cops? dont break the law. either sentinment is the same no matter what side of the blue line youre on. do the right thing, dont be an asshole, dont break the law, and chances are good you

Idk about much more than their education level... ive looked into being an officer lately hoping to do some good and help make some changes. i went to college and to be frank the salary isnt great. its livable, and the benefits are pretty good, as well as an actual retirement. I guess you would have to go case by

I keep an ar in my jeep never had an issue.

sorry boss. thats how you do it. meal prep, it has and will be the number 1 key to a solid fitness plan. take a night, make your meals for a few days.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha im recomending this to every one of my girl friends. amazing.

male commenter, thought this could get interesting. Im terribly sorry you ladies get so many dick pics. thats like rule number one. dont send a dick pic, just dont. unless specifically asked dont. i really thought more dudes knew this.

so fucking metal.

there is the crux of the issue for me, half the shit we do isnt for our kids safety, its because we are scared if we dont, cps will take them away. we know the kids are going to be fine, they are perfectly safe, but some busybody in a prius will have them taken away if i dont have the most current child seat or some

Love this. all about common sense. i had a friend who was brought up on charges for leaving her kid in the car while she ran in to get photos at costco. she is beyond a good mom, safe almost to fault. some ass hat called 911 freaking out that the kid was going to die and she was there for like 445 minutes what a

Cold war 2 is getting pretty fancy.