
Why not? Passion is passion. It doesn't dry up. At least I hope it doesn't.

Listen kids, I was born in 1968. In the summer of 1977 my family was in our backyard and my parents had some friends over that day with their kids. We were all sitting by the pool when the father says to my father " We saw this movie about these 2 robots". He was referring to STAR WARS, but I didn't know what STAR

There wasn't one person on the AV CLUB staff that could write about seeing SW in 1977 as a child?
These 3 are all newbies in my book.

My father took our family to see A New Hope in 1977. I was 9 years old. The ride home after the movie I was in the back seat of the car, leaning back with my head looking up through the rear view window at the night time skies thinking about "Dark Vader". I was hooked for life.

As soon as I saw the title of this article I went to Amazon to buy the bluray.

There WAS about 45 minutes of excellent footage from one of the performances on Youtube months ago but it was taken down after a day or two. Luckily I downloaded it before it was gone.

I know it was a depressing episode, but it seems from the tone of your review like you've hated the show for some time now. I thought the episode was fine and even though it was even a bit too gory for my tastes, I'd give it a B+.

It's 4 hours because each person gets to be in a photo with Bruce. No, I'm NOT kidding.

Alvy, you should move to the west coast and call yourself Max.

Oh please. I was at Tuesday's spectacular Metlife show and he broke his own record of his longest show in North America in his home state of NJ. He's not going to give that bragging right away to Massachusetts.

No one will know for sure if this new FOX RHPS will be good or not, but from the choices they've made so far with casting and what they've shown in the trailers, it
looks horrible. First of all, it looks too squeaky clean. Even worse, EVERBODY looks like a professional model. Also, Dr. Frankenfurter is a transvestite.

The other 11 songs are not the issue here. This guy literally played note for note the opening of the Cars song to start his own song off. That is not just lazy, it's piggybacking on the riff of a hit classic rock song (even if it is from the late 70s) to peak peoples interest. It's not even sampling. It's taking a

Here's a nifty idea! Write an original riff all on your own!

I personally thought Bridge Of Spies was a dull movie, as well as Hanks and Rylance's performances. People seem to forget the Oscars are a self congratulatory pat on the back and a way to sell more movie tickets, but the only problem is the ratings have gone down every year. The last huge ratings they had was I

…which makes Beauty & The Beast's nomination for Best Picture even more impressive!!!! There had never been a cartoon nominated for Best Picture EVER. In fact, Beauty & The Beast's nomination paved the way for the Animated Feature category itself!

WRONG! Disney's Beauty & The Beast was nominated for Best Picture way back when.

Shut up you ass.

Back when Billy was performing at Joe's Pub around 2009 and 2010 he used to hire me to shoot the shows on video. He was funny then, is funny now and I am thrilled for his success!


…BUT Leia sent R2D2 to find Ben Kenobi so he could help get the Death Star plans to the Alliance. Leia names her son after a man she never met, but who without him she would not have been rescued and the Death Star could not have been destroyed.