
The programming part of this refers to the people that make the cheats and the mods:

If you enjoy programming, it can be fun to mix the enjoyment you find in video games and the enjoyment you find in programming. It’s an interesting challenge that manifests itself in rewarding, very visual and interactive ways. Even

I agree. This seems like the equivalent of someone exploiting the cave glitch in Destiny and being arrested for it. Only difference being that they exploited the glitch very efficiently and got a lot of good stuff from it.

It’s true that they could be cheating themselves out of a high quality experience. But, some of them could be legitimately having more fun than they would otherwise.

I’m going to use Minecraft as an example because I don’t have as much experience with rewards in GTA. If you want to build a massive castle, there are

If you purchase a game for your hard-earned money, you deserve to play and enjoy that game in whichever way you see fit. Whether you enjoy pulling heists, spending months on achievements, strolling the streets chatting with players and ignoring everything else, exploiting glitches or modding the game to get the