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    Thursdays and Fridays are the best days to have them because there is more viewership. Saturday is the lowest in the weak. People prefer to do other things like go to family, friends or on date nights on Saturdays.

    GOP’s awareness = 10%

    She may love the debate schedule, but many liberals don’t.

    One after another.... so many over the past few days....

    Excuse me. You pocket protector is showing.

    I keed I keed... xD

    **Cough** go to the video for a troll fest. **Cough**

    Every time they open their mouth, I get a migraine.

    “Those kinds of TEARS are FANTASTIC.”
    “My investors tell me that I did the right thing”

    Now playing

    And Trump is selling Stab proof vests in case the Ben’s belt buckle fails to work.

    I don’t know about every one else, but... #RollsEyes

    If it was just about having a woman as president, I would much rather prefer Elizabeth Warren. HRC only supports things after the fact. Not to long ago she was against gay marriage. she is a smart woman and plays politics very well, but I want someone who will stand up for things even if its not always the most

    How you get that he was laughing at her? She was walking up towards him from behind wile he was laughing. For all you know he was having an amusing conversation with someone at the table next to him. Then she bumped him and yes he did give her an “excuse you” reaction.

    Off topic. can i get approval. tired of being grayed-out.



    Yup. Just one of many miss steps he has made. But still prefer him over the GOP or in particular the Tea Party that was making strides during the 2008 and and 2012 elections. I could say I would also prefer Hillary over any GOP candidate.

    Can I get approved... been coming to the slot since a little after it started.

    You know only a few years ago she was against marriage equality?

    Would much rather vote for Elizabeth Warren over Hillary.