
Me da 2,000 USD, mas o menos son unos 40,000 pesos mexicanos. El boleto de avión lo consigo en 3,000 pesos. Tengo 37 aún. Rento una pickup, 2,000 pesos al día; voy 3 días, son 6,000 pesos. Aún tengo 31,000 pesos. Conseguir hotel cerca va a ser una pesadilla, asi que rento un cuarto por unos 1,000 pesos la semana, aún

Eso de que los mayas construían las ciudades siguiendo un patrón astronómico es muy poco sostenible. Como toda civilización lo harían según fuentes de agua, vias de comunicación y otros recursos. Sobre unas 900 localizaciones mayas ha escogido las 117 que mejor le venían. Luego ha ido encajando las contelaciones como

Por eso digo que debe de existir un equilibrio, tanto de los académicos para escuchar como humildad de la otra parte para buscar el consejo y opinión de los expertos

It’d be funnier when the little douchebag realises he’s talking out of his arse

He’s a kid. He crafted a dubious hypothesis based on pattern recognition, but I wouldn’t say he’s a pseudoscientist, because the hypothesis that he crafted is testable and falsifiable. I’m not sure it should be indulged to the tune of a $100,000 expedition (not sure why he needs that much money to travel there

Yeah, well, it’s up to you to prove I didn’t discover Sasquatch and the Loch Ness Monster. I have three fuzzy photographs and 75 YouTube followers that say I’m right. You're just jealous of my mad Google skills.

Of course they’re saying he is wrong. He did exactly what the ancient astronaut people do all the time. There’s no basis to his science.

Being told you are incorrect is a cornerstone of the scientific method. Experts didn’t just say “He’s wrong because he’s a kid and we’re jealous”, they gave far more likely explanations, and in fact posted pictures of, similar crop fields found all over jungles and forests in Central America.

Jesus christ you’re fucking dumb. You sound just like those derping ancient aliens nubs. The Mayans did not decide where to build their fucking cities based on stars or constellations. That’s a fact. We don’t even know what their favorite constellations might have been, because almost everything they wrote was

When confronted by scientists who state he didn’t discover anything, teenage archeologist-wannabe very maturely replied: DID TOO!

Some archaeologists have certainly been somewhat annoyed by all the attention this has gotten (and presumably all the questions they’ve been pestered with as a result), but since they have, indeed, already proven why he’s wrong (on multiple levels), it’s dumb to dismiss their response as “sour grapes.” Especially

Va a ser un científico con mucho carácter, desde luego.

No, because it’s wrong—and you seem to continue to not understand what the objection is. The idea that [outsider with no training and a previously-debunked theory] is equally likely to be correct as [multiple experts in the field, including those who have been to the area and state there’s nothing there] is absurd.

I’m...sorry that several people have pointed out that you don’t seem to have a rational basis for your “50/50"? If it’s premised in the notion of “Well, 2 choices, therefore 50/50" school of reasoning, it would be an incorrect use of odds, but it would be valid reasoning otherwise. It would also be super common. If

100,000 Dólares....

“You just wait. Everyone’s wrong but me, this city will be yuuge!”

“I make the best discoveries, the best. Those other scientists are losers. I’ve never even heard of them.”

With the “They are just jealous” type response i’m guessing this kid wants to go to the Donald J. Trump University of Science and Stuff