
“our country can’t function without them but they’re still considered nonessential”

This is so spot-on. And worst of all, the line about so many people being "gone". They'll never admit they were wrong. They'll never admit they were duped. A couple ten million Americans exited reality and will live in their own for the rest of their lives.

Yeah, that’s why all the news organizations need to take a large portion of the blame for his presidency. If they would’ve just ignored his dumb ass, we probably wouldn’t be here. He wasn’t even a “serious” contender until every news outlet began airing all his rants.

“Like many in his generation, Trump has mistaken the end of his life for the end of the world.”

I think it is entirely plausible that Trump knew nothing while his inner circle was colluding with the Russians - in fact, they would take extra care to make sure he knew nothing as it is plain to see that he cannot keep his mouth shut on any subject ....the less he knew, the less opportunity to fuck up their plans.

Yes. I saw him on the Late Show and it made me really hate him. I believe in the progressive policy agenda (especially health care for all), but his willingness to take credit for the resurgence of the progressive movement was super annoying. He happened to tap into a sentiment shared by especially millennials, but he

Excellent point. And look, I think Bernie is a great legislator and an important voice to have in congress, but I will never forget how much like the typical dude he acted when push came to shove. Clinton had been working for or with the DNC for all of her adult life practically. She paid her dues. And the fact that

“I thought she sounded arrogant and stubborn in the interview, which is not that surprising since those tendencies likely contributed to her losing in the first place.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and Donald is humble and flexible? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA your sexism is showing.

Go read wonkette’s. They shut down the trolls hard over there, and it was all just a ton of fun. I think the house of snark is a little tired of the sainting of Bernie and is having their fun wherever they can.

Reasons not to shut about 2o16 election:

If I were a serving soldier, I would be absolutely livid about shit like this. I would want to know two things about the person serving next to me: can you fight? and, can I count on you to watch my back? Beyond that, I don’t care whether you have a dick or a vagina or both or three of each or what you wear or who you

It doesn’t mean you don’t get charged for it, though. And ER care is some of the most expensive care.

To put himself through that, your father had more strength, love and courage than I can imagine. My mother recently died of bone cancer, but me and mine I have the extreme good fortune to be Australian citizens and entitled to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. This means the price of a massive range of prescription

Exactly. It’s all about the frredomz. He could get medical help and just suffer with crushing debt for the rest of his life. No, he can get a better job to pay off the debt. Maybe go back to school for better skills...but no money because medical student loans!

Another perfect example of how the greatest country in the world manages in so many ways to be the worst country in the world. So much lacking in in a place that defines itself by superiority and abundance. Fumes, I say.

Rejoicing the death sentence of the thousands who will die without healthcare coverage is appalling. The passage of the ACA WAS something to celebrate.

45 Owns the Republican party. He has a 60 million person base that will vote for him come hell, high water, and Jesus. They won’t decry or deny 45 until they’re being personally held accountable for war crimes (which is where this ICE and police crap will end up going if we don’t fight it every step of the way) or

Good! I just Googled his name and yeah, go for it.

I posted this is in the initial AHCA post, but there were 600+ comments so I’m sure it got lost. I just wanted to share my experience today in DC because it was so utterly sickening:

“I’m a compassionate person. I’m very heartbroken over her passing, especially since it was cancer.”