Could be worse. You could literally be labeled.
A handjob truly is just a hand motion when you take all the socially conditioned nonsense away.
I didn't know her through her 'fame' at all.
Well, I wonder if his father still wants to pin the murder on the 'fact' that Whites feel unsafe and aren't protected by the ANC from dangerous Blacks, therefore Oscar shot Reeva?
Yuck. Should not have clicked that link.
Sorry but this is creepy.
Mercy killing.
She doesn't want her kids to grow up behind bars.
I found a link to the actual lawsuit:
Ah...I was wondering who the predator had been using to make the girls feel like everything was normal. Not surprised he used another female to do it.
Am I naive to be surprised by some of these?
Well, it's hard to feel too bad for someone named 'Misandry Mermaid'. She's clearly trolling sexist men a bit with that equally sexist name and it's no better than calling yourself a 'Misogynist Minotaur' or 'Wife-Beater Number 1'. I'm not surprised some teenage juvenile male took the bait, but she really should…
Yeah, I remember ignoring you. You were a bit obvious.
And 12% said they believe that USB is a country in Europe.
Okay as noted in the article, this had better not be another 'fake racist/sexist/homophobic message for attention' situation again. I'm going to just reserve my outrage until this story is explored further and we know a little more about the person/people making the claim.
That's a pretty good guess.
That being said attacking her because she likes white guys is not helping anyone.
'So if a white actress date black men do you question her?'
This is the same industry that on multiple occasions awards, defends, and applauds with standing ovations an admitted child molester who drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 year old girl?
I'm a Trans Woman and Here's Why Jared Leto Didn't Deserve His Oscar
Yikes. What a mess. I did see this coming though.
Although this...was surprisingly accurate.