Rusty Elbows

true story: he asked to buy my dog several years ago. since then i can not stand him.

That is a solid woman.

"Why do people make fun of Nick Cage?"

Beware...the bezoar cometh.


Some men can be complete freaking creepers!

I mean it's not like anyone missed the Castro story, but I think you missed my point.

My point was that in other countries it's still allowed and/or ignored.
There's a difference between someone illegally holding people as slaves and someone purchasing/holding slaves legally with the consent of a government or

I am literally dumbstruck here.

I know slavery exists in countries that aren't as modern or developed as others, and some countries merely turn a blind eye to it, but...30 years a 21st century UK?!

The couple who held them weren't even legal citizens.
You enter a country as a non-citizen and then start

Was the third woman, who clearly appears to have been imprisoned since birth, born in that house? Is that why she is considered British or did they kidnap a baby from a British couple?

I was looking but saw no new info on her.
Such a bizarre and shockingly sad story.

"three UK women who were held as slaves for thirty years have been freed. One of the women, who is 30, had never lived a free day in her life."

Just Speechless.

Well played, Onion.

Is she at that hormonal age where she really really just wants to wrestle with boys in general?

More of him, please.

Everyday I'm profilin', profilin', profilin'.

Body Confidence, Bitches!

Everything...everything about this.