I feel like there’s no reason to continue playing Horizon after the first couple of hours when you literally have cars that are just as good as any in the game.
I feel like there’s no reason to continue playing Horizon after the first couple of hours when you literally have cars that are just as good as any in the game.
This sounds promisingly like Underground and Underground 2. I’ve been waiting for a long time for another racing game that was challenging in terms of progression while still being fun. Don’t get me wrong, the ultra-realistic sims are definitely “challenging” from a driving perspective, but I guess I prefer my racing…
Seriously. Idk if it’s from growing up playing console game sitting 3ft from a 24" TV or what, but I can’t get into a game unless I have the screen basically in my lap, in which case anything over 24" is more screen than I can even look at all at once, and 1080p is fine at that resolution. My laptop is 16" with a 1600p…
“If Eric Popper is found guilty, it will be more than just.”
My interpretation is that his mixed feelings are due to his personal positive experience with union membership contrasted with the unfortunate reality that unions can sometimes get in the way of their own best interests, such as when negotiations stall due to having become dick measuring contests.
I’d be interested to see the composition of his jury.
These are the same types to say “hOw CaN tHeRe Be GlObAl WaRmInG wHeN iT’S cOlD oUtSiDe?”
Yeah, I see it as a mini RAV4 with styling somewhere between the RAV4 and the Highlander and as a result it actually ends up looking the best of the three in my opinion
You’re certainly not wrong. They don’t currently have a good platform to make a legitimate small (I don’t say “compact” bc I know that’s technically the size category this car is in. That doesn’t make it actually compact) performance car. I think the solution is just.. Don’t call it an Integra. People with fond…
Certified “Internet Car Guy” checking in. I dump on the Crosstour because it’s ugly.
I don’t have any problem with the Supra. At least it is a sports car. My problem with the Integra is that it could be any other car that Acura (or any other manufacturer) makes. Sure, a manual transmission and bright colors are getting increasingly rare, but otherwise you could get everything the Integra will offer…
Thanks, I hate it.
You’re wasting your time, bud. There have been “But both sides suck!” fence sitters without any real input of their own as long as there have been political systems. Pretending to want change and then feigning exhaustion/indignation/outrage that the party that’s trying to change things isn’t changing them fast enough…
Following the old party line, I see.
These are clearly responsible, level-headed individuals who take their jobs, and the law, very seriously.
“Is Elon Musk doing this to me with some kind of shittification beam from a satellite in geosynchronous orbit?”
Right? Shit escalated quickly..
Umm.. no
Somebody didn’t read the article..
Ooh, ooh, I’ll jump in here. None! Which makes me no different than most of the people on this list, except they’ve somehow made millions of dollars off of it. That’s the whole point.