I was thinking swanky prison jumpsuit.
I was thinking swanky prison jumpsuit.
Makes sense. I hadn’t seen any speculation about the lower spec models being based on the Si until today, but that definitely seems like a good way to go.
Hmm.. I hadn’t considered the possibly of different specs being based on totally different drivetrains. Hopefully your prediction will prove accurate, allowing for a more attainable model for folks just looking for a fun, reliable sedan, and a balls-out version for well-heeled enthusiasts.
If it’s truly going to be based on the CTR, I’ll be shocked if any spec comes in at a lower MSRP. I don’t think it’s going to be an ILX replacement so much as a step up in Acura’s “entry level” offerings.
Could be? I’ve heard it on and off my whole life in the US as just a casual alternative to “shot” or “vaccine”, but anti-vaxers have been using it so pervasively for the past several months that all I could think when I saw the headline was “Fuck, is Jalopnik putting out anti-vax content now?”
I think the benchmark for the front end was “At least as bad as Chevrolet”
Can we avoid using the ant-vaxer popularized term “jab”? I know that people have been calling shots “jabs” for decades, but in this case the term has been heavily co-opted by those attempting to disparage it. It’s a vaccine. Can we refer to it as such?
They definitely come in all shapes and sizes, but anyone who doesn't think there's a significant contingent of individuals (though with the levels of group think I'm not sure that's the right word anymore) that have made truck-ownership and fossil fuel usage in general a central part of their toxic conservativism is…
Just because it may not work for people who regularly tow doesn’t mean its business case is DoA. That argument could apply to literally any vehicle. “The Toyota Yaris won’t work for my towing needs. I just can’t see the business case for it.” It just means it won’t be for those people. People use vehicles for…
I saw a fucking DeSantis 2024 sticker this morning
Haaaaaaahahahaha. I live in fucking “coastal elite” Massachusetts and even here I see idiots rolling coal on anyone with the audacity to drive a hybrid and festooning their late model pick-ups with every manner of anti-liberal (Because that’s really all it is at this point, these people don’t stand FOR anything)…
I guess at this point it’s just the Nazi flag for people who aren’t ready to go quiiite that far yet?
Yeah, the people I see in MA and NH flying the Confederate flag absolutely baffle me.
Yeah, the people I see in MA and NH flying the Confederate flag absolutely baffle me.
I feel like everyone posting these images of cars from the front only reinforces my opinion that no one can possibly like what Zagato does to the rear ends of cars
Those are all beautiful cars as long as you don’t look at them from the back, which is where Zagato shows their strongest inclination to fuck everything up
I will admit that I wasn't aware of this one and it is indeed the closest they've come to not fucking up a car
Unpopular opinion: Zagato has never designed a car that looked better than the model it was based on.
Yeah, I mean I live in MA and I’ve had douchebags in jacked up bro-dozers aggressively swerve into my lane and roll coal while passing me just because I had the AUDACITY to.. drive a small Japanese SUV maybe? I honestly don’t know what prompts it other than the perpetrator being an uneducated asshole with some…
Keeping those “unstable, angry, idiots” behind the wheel of a 2-ton metal projectile that requires constant attention and effective decision making is better how, exactly? I understand that angry dumb people are going to be angry dumb people, whether in a car or on a train, but if that’s your primary safety concern…