
Call me crazy, but I think FCA should merge or enter into a partnership with Mazda. FCA really needs small cars to add to its line up and Mazda make great small cars. Plus Mazda could use the cash from all those Jeep and Ram sales to make even more great cars.

Pepperidge Farm remembers

His guns are wrong and he wont admit it. Thats the problem here. He had the market, he fucked up he got called out on it and he cant accept it. He was basically saying I am paying you less because I cant rule the market the way I want if I pay you more.

“Go away I’m baitin!”

Lots of thoughts here but most importantly, how did you not use:

Everybody’s talkin’ at me... I can’t hear a word they’re sayin’... Just drivin’ around in Jon Voight’s car...

Jo(h)n Voight is on line 2...

If you can work in a car, why not just work from home?

Why would I read the article when I spout opinions from the hip with no regard for actual facts?

Finally, my last chance to not be able to afford a Viper!

So suddenly it’s ok for us to want to breath dirty air and drink contamjnated water? Let’s make America great again.

What color is that, Grabber Orange?*

Stealing this from YouTube to get stars here.

Mitsubishi and Ram (well, when it was Dodge) have traded truck platforms before. The excellent 1980s Mitsubishi Montero SUV was also sold as the Dodge Raider. And of course a decade later Mitsubishi borrowed the Dodge Dakota pickup truck platform to make “its own” pickup that was also called the Raider, somewhat

*Reads own name*

I’m currently watching Thomas the Tank engine which was originally written as the ultimate nostalgia trip for an outdated technology. Enthusiasts love steam locos but as workhorses they sucked and were deservedly obsoleted. Now think of all the valves, bearings, gearboxes, belts, fluids, sensors and bullshit that can

Easily doable, especially with their auto industry. Germany should be put forward as the new “Leader of the Free World” since America is no longer worthy, willing, or able to carry that mantle. Provided of course they don’t fall to the far right.

Solution: swap in the truck LA engine and boost it to the moon. Iron block, baby!