
@MisterBun: South Texas. But wow, max fine is 300$? Now I can relax. I was thinking like 600 - 700 dollars.

@Error601: If only I could promote an already starred users comment...

@orsoscroot: Doubt I can take it again. This happened to be an emergency (this ticket) I was actually going about 95mph...the officer "kinda" let me off the hook...

@Mulry: But I took defensive driving about 8 months ago. I'm fucked, aren't I? :(

@Tony Kaye: I not 100% sure (didn't keep up with the show after the first season), so I can't say if he was fired or not. Maybe he just quit due to the show being so stupid...

@TheCroatianGuy: Yea, I remember seing this a long LONG time ago. Maybe it's time to start sending finds like this to Jalop..

@Tony Kaye: Yes, the nerdy guy who installs the speakers and radios took over for a while. It was horrible.

Since we're all in the mood of fines and such, I have a question for my fellow Jalops..

@jacobestes: Jeez. Carrying a star on Gizmodo is almost a curse rather than an luxury. Got people watching your every move n shit.

He looks to have the same feelings about 3D television as I do.

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: That was the very meaning of epic. I'm actually ashamed that I missed it.

@Ethenal: The only punishment is the car being totalled. Who the hell drives the speed limit anyway? I know I dont. What's the point of being young if you don't do stupid shit once in a while?

I'd floor it n pelt the shit out of him with snow and rocks....but that's just me.

Is it safe for work??

@Stoodo: That would just have made him even more immature.

@Ghinn: At the risk of my star being taken away, I will stray from the original subject and say they really do look similar.