Rusty Cuttlefish

Maybe, but it's like the Dude's rug:  it really ties the whole car together.

The Phoenix Magazine video is incorrect in saying that the Wurlitzer at Organ Stop Pizza is “the largest organ in the world.”

Who in the world “grinds” for food? Apart from the robots and other players, nearly everything you can fight and kill drops meat, and edible crops are all over the place. Heck, there’s one whole workshop you can occupy that’s located at a functioning (if you fix it up) food processing facility. I don’t even need

Red Dead Redemption II.

It was fun.

Wow, what a negative article. I mean, isn’t *every* game just countless hours of grinding to reveal lore, ostensibly in the name of fun, if you boil it down far enough? Just within the franchise itself, think about all the lore that was locked away by the change from an isometric turn-based system to an FPS RPG, and

This. This is the absolutely correct answer. And, frankly, Keanu has made a professional career and a life hobby out of training to be Johnny Silverhand. Wouldn’t surprise me to learn later that’s his band singing “Chippin’ In” either.

This, this, this! I have been waiting for player vending since November and am thoroughly happy.

Personally, I don’t care about the sales tax. Cost of doing business, I suppose. I’m plenty happy just to have my trading post open and working.

That has been helped significantly by letting all vendor factions draw from the same 1400 caps/day pool.  Between that and putting a representative of every faction at the Whitesprings, I don’t have to hustle nearly as much to rake that in.

I mean, it’s fine and all, but I say we let the new kid have a go:

Hot sauce/spicy food. And, for nearly the last year, pizza of any kind.

So what you’re saying is “don’t put a dead creature that has been pumped full of chemicals into the ground.” I’m sure Big Mortuary loves you, heh. I agree with that part, but “Don’t bury dead animals,” which is what is implied by your headline, is so blatantly click-bait as to be dangerously misleading.

No worries.  Sorry it took me a few days to reply.  I don’t comment much, so I don’t log in often.


Prototype Herkimer Battle Jitney.

“Rearward visibility is a big deal in a car...”

Two things:

That’s a carriage top, not a vinyl roof. Fabric rather than vinyl.