
So to your point we must take away the rights of others to protect those who would miss use them. However we can't keep Muslims out of the country by the same exact logic. Your response will state that guns aren't important but that's your opinion not logic. Then you will say I'm dumb for not agreeing with you.

This is too good:

Yeah, well I've been reading Deadspin longer than you've been posting here. And I never personally insulted you. So how about you show some class and keep it respectful.

That’s not even accurate. The Clinton Health Access Initiative operates as a separate charity. They’re the ones doing most of the actual on the ground AIDS work and they split off from CF in 2010.

For that matter, to answer a complex set of concerns with a random blanket “A” grade from some website as if it’s a silver

oh, millenials are going to "fix" things. can't wait for that.

Good analogy.

yea except clinton is the actual crook, dishonesty in every glance

So the white guy pretending to be black stays on, but the guy criticizing the white guy pretending to be black... he gets the axe?


This all day long.

This whole thing has been exhausting, as a sexual assault survivor. It’s like everywhere I turn there are rape apologists—more so than usual.

you mean like

He said “so every other play didn’t end with a shredded ligament.” Why don't YOU try some reading comprehension?

Fuck him, his rapist co-writer and the his supporters online. Especially his online supporters who are trying to guilt Black women like me into supporting his unapologetic, rapist-ass just because he’s Black. Guess what, a-holes? I don’t support rapists of ANY COLOR, full stop. So you can get the fuck out and miss me

It’s more of a statement of fact than a criticism, is it not? Defensive much?


Meanwhile, Jezebel-approved candidate Hillary Clinton is responsible for this:

Caster Semenya is not XX. She has a Y chromosome and undescended testicles that are pumping out testosterone. That’s the whole fucking point of the debate, yet it appears nowhere in this article.

This isn’t cool, it’s mean. Consider whether you guys would want your private purchases displayed by any conservative who wanted to grandstand.

As a victim of rape (and a woman of colour), I was unable to get through the whole transcript. I feel like throwing up, to be perfectly honest.