
Oh so other people did it before so it’s totally cool if HRC does it, right?

I think what people are more upset about is that her first instinct is to lie.

Thank you!

There it is...

The comments here are my favorite type of feminism - the one where we excuse misogynistic and sexist jokes because the target is someone who disagrees with us...

This deserves more stars...

This is good Jezebel right here...

This is how I feel about the Beatles. Extremely overrated.

I’m genuinely confused as to why it’s a bad thing to deport people that are here illegally and make them reapply for legal citizenship like the law requires.


You, my dear, are a dipshit.

You’re correct, I am smart.

Please tell me what stereotypes these mugshots are perpetuating.

I wonder if you realize that you answered your own question in your question.

I used to love Dr Drew when he confirmed everything I was thinking, but now that he’s said something that I don’t agree with, I think everything about him is total bullshit.

Listen, I don’t know how many other ways to explain it to you so I’m done trying. If you can’t look at and understand what I’m saying based on the three times I’ve already tried to explain it, then you never will.

Shut up.

I don’t understand what you mean.

Again, I’m not trying to excuse it - I’m simply providing the reasoning.

I pulled them from her twitter page