
You do live in an echo chamber then, because this movie has received universally poor reviews.

America is doing just fine, thanks. I’m sure better than whatever shithole you live in.

“ (coincidentally, Islam is not anymore against women than any other religion in the world).”

We get it dude, you’ve commented on every thread, you suffer from “GSA”. Just so you know, it’s not a real thing and you’re fucking gross.

This non existent video?

Oh, then you’re just an idiot.

- Guy who’s never smoked pot.

I’m sure you had nothing but positive things to say regarding the parents in Florida who’s kid got eaten by an alligator. I’m sure you never said, “I mean there were ‘no swimming’ signs”.

We’ll see you here talking about how, compared to blacks killing blacks a black guy getting killed by a cop is statistically minuscule, right?