
They're a great team and I'd see anything she is in.
I loved 'Sound of My Voice.'
'I, Origins' and 'The East' were also very good.

Search Party was great.
iZombie should be on the list.

They don't know how a boycott works, so this is gonna set records at the box office.

Gordon Ramsay's is the best recipe I've tried.

The War on Christmas?!?

It was the Uber driver

I just took a whiz on a six billion year old ancestral rock.
The Earth.
Sorry everyone.

It's still fun to see Nazis get blown away and their faces melted.
People seemed to like Inglorious Basterds, too.

Nazis and slave owners are pretty much the only people it's okay to murder for fun in movies and video games.
Works for me.

Is it gonna be a Nu Boycott, like when they boycotted Starbucks by spending tons of money there?

So, stop it.
It's gross and horrible, and no one wants to see it.

Sapphire is my favorite.
I need to try Hendrick's.

Winter finales are dumb, especially in Autumn.

The Taylor Swift version is better than the Jimmy Eat World version.

Man, you guys hiel hitler a few times and people get all bent out of shape.

I'm not afraid to call a Nazi a Nazi.

Go fucking bother The Ghost of Eazy E.
I just said that 99% of us are going to get fucked over.
Neither one cares about anything except money and power, and they certainly don't care about any of us.

What did you win?
Who are you?
Ben Carson?

Or the Chinese manufacturing!

It is.
It's that shitty skinhead gutter punk garbage.