
Negan isn't going to hurt Olivia, Judith, any woman, etc.
He's a completely one dimensional character that needs to go.
I'm with Rosita, but I like Eugene's plan of total obliteration.

Yes, and their cries will soon be muffled by the forced entry of a crooked Cheeto.

I've been preparing for this my entire life!

This is true.
Trump is the worst option we had.

Maybe a little better, but we have to share the consequences.

Yes. This article is insane.

So you're moving into the Whitehouse?
I don't understand.

This screws over 99% of people in the U.S., so it doesn't make me feel any better.

I binged most of them and skip straight to the murders.
It's more of a fun discussion than a dry info dump or morning zoo, like other true crime podcasts.
The likability of the hosts/format is crucial for me.

They definitely get better.

My Favorite Murder is great, and that episode was a perfect choice.

I stared into the Uber app trying to get a ride out of rural Michigan for for the last three weeks.

Totally normal dude then!

Fuck this entire post.
Mind blowing.

He fucks his daughter though, right?

What's your solution?
Leaving snarky comments online?

Thanksgiving should have been cancelled this year.

He doesn't even know how to wash his face!
Those 27 buttons don't help at all!

Needs more buttons and dials to turn, and more robot voices and awful family members barking orders at the mom.

Hashtags don't work here.
Go away.