
It's a christmas ornament.
It's still November.

Selfie is great!
Veronica Mars is classic.
Fleabag is good so far - I've seen the first two episodes.

Troll somewhere else

*rich idiots

Well then you are terrible.

So you're with them?!?

It's gonna be fun to see what happens when someone makes a Nazi salute around the wrong person.

Yeah but he got elected president!

Is that like the comics where like a octopus bones a cartoon lady?
You're weird

cool throwaway account to regurgitate a nonsensical catch phrase.

Gotta read the article

I'm ashamed of myself, and I'm not even on that show!

A man's gotta eat

Last year was terrible!

Sure beats giving money to Nazis.

Isn't that where the rap song 'Kill Whitey' came from?

I think the rest worked at various Chinese food restaurants.

I'll stick with the dvd rips then.

That doesn't have anything to do with anything.
So, that's nothing.

Interesting math.
60.5 million is not half the US population.
It's a small minority of awful people.