
2014 Jettas are being sold off for around $23k

Thursday bums me out the most.
This used to be the best night for tv, from Seinfeld, 30 Rock, It's Always Sunny, Community, Parks & Rec, etc.
Now, it's just empty.

I do that too, but they put it in the regular feed, not even the AVC TV feed.

That's bugging the crap out of me, also.
NOT a bottle episode at all.

Judging by Beth's wounds, the hospital cops blackjack people to be slaves at the hospital.
It was an abduction, IMO, not a rescue.

So the cops are just blackjackin' people to be slaves at the hospital, right?

This sucks. Static-X was awesome.
It's still some of my favorite work-out music.
I have always loved the 'Evil Disco' description.
'The Trance is the Motion' especially live, is probably my favorite song of theirs.

Different factions, how people actually live, different types of groups, businesses forming, etc.
ZN kills main, beloved characters. It's fast paced and sometimes silly. It's just a different.
I haven't read TWD comics, but I'm a huge fan of the show, so obviously I don't know the whole story.

SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER repetitive song that makes zero sense.

Out of the Woods and Welcome to New York are straight-up dogshit.
I Wish You Would is pretty great. I like Bad Blood and a couple others too.
She has the talent. I blame the producers for the shitty songs.
Don't bring Haim into this. They're awesome.

Jesus, Kirk.
My birthday is nearly suicide-level depressing, but at least I have good dinner and dessert. I'd rather spend it alone than with people actively avoiding the situation like in this photo.

I've been enjoying Z Nation quite a bit.
It has steadily improved, and I definitely look forward to it.

I've been watching Z Nation. It's a fun show thats not afraid to address things that TWD does not.

End of Watch and Enemy were very good.

Excellent episdode. Grade A.

Jax, Chibs, and Bobby get murdered by Marks' gang.
The Niners were in cahoots with Marks' gang all along.
Nero and Wendy run away together.
Tig quits the SoA and runs off with Venus Van Dam.
Juice gets killed in jail by Lin.
Abel and Thomas go into foster care.
Gemma kills herself, or is murdered by Jax.

Crayon Pop - Bar Bar Bar, was the K-Pop song.
Guess I like K-Pop now.

Even as a white man, I can definitely identify with him as a somewhat uptight lonely guy.
I live alone, talk to my self/food, and think a southwest salad basically IS a party.
John Cho and the writers are doing a great job with the character.

I love it!
This show has steadily gotten better, and this was the best episode yet.
Does anyone else get a 'Better Off Ted' vibe? That's a very good thing.

I watch Mulaney, just to see how bad it is.
It is remarkably terrible.