
The deadline was midnight.

This was great, and an instant classic Halloween episode.

Click the button at the top that says 'Boardwalk Empire'

Come on, Netflix!

Thanks for the downvote, COLIN JOST!

She is funny, especially in the 'feed the children' or whatever sketch.

Doug is genuinely funny as a comic.
His fake enthusiasm for fake weed smoking is offensively bad.

I subscribe to RSS feeds and follow these on Twitter and Soundcloud:
Pitchfork, Hypetrak, Stereogum, UKF, This Song Slaps, This Song is Sick, The Needle Drop, The New LoFI, etc.
I follow my favorite artists on Soundcloud and Twitter.
Slacker, Songza, Soundcloud, and Spotify are good in general.

I want to meet his family. They are sure to be mostly destroyed by this madman already.

You are right about Heroin use increasing.
The crackdown on pills, especially Oxy, has led to a resurgence in Herion. It is everywhere now, and the demand is higher than ever.

An excellent ending to a great season.
I knew what the doctor was giving Thack as soon as he mentioned Bayer, and knew that Thack was finding his new love, as he already enjoyed opium.
I don't know how Thack will ever recover.
Also, Dr. Hodgeman is an absolute lunatic.

The Knick has been easy to love, but hard to recommend due to its sad scenes.

You mean Salon? She doesn't work here anymore.

I think we all do that.

Well, I watched it when I was that age, and was a huge fan of Garfield, even reading all the comics in books.
I turned into kind of a bad person. Not sure if it's related.

People that have actually built their own wealth seem to enjoy discussing it.

I would add 'Broad City' to that list, a show that completely blows away anything Dunham has ever done.

I'm not a fan of 'Girls'. I really gave it a shot.
It's gross rich kids being gross.
I have no problem with her as a person.
She would be okay to share wine and cake with, but I'm more of a cookies and champagne kind of guy.


Garfield and Happy Endings' 'Spooky Endings' are my favorites.
Community had great episodes also.
I collected all the Halloween episodes of my favorite shows together to watch, but these stand out.