Rusteen Honardoost

This seems like a bit of an odd time to run this article, considering the show has been gone for a couple weeks now and we haven't heard any news about whether or not its going to return, but I just saw Childish Gambino in concert last night and I'm really starting to understand how much I miss Troy from Season 5, so

At least he won't be ruining the possibilities of a Foundation movie for a little while longer…

So should I start watching? Where should I start watching from?

That butthole joke made me nearly lol right in front of my boss during a meeting. Should have been labeled NSFW guys

Really? I find that hard to believe, considering his problem was always with his role in the ensemble and the writing, two things he blamed Dan for. I can see why he'd be resentful of the cast, and I know he struggled with Joel McHale (who has really been the one to keep this show together), but even if that's the

I don't think Dan Harmon and Chevy Chase hate each other anymore. Chevy's cameo in the Repilot means I think its on the table. Right now, I'm imagining a Ghostbusters parody, with Pierce as a ghost. I'd rather have that than a dream sequence.

It does have Paul Giamatti (just saying)

Call of Duty has been stodgy and archaic ever since Modern Warfare 2

*cough* House of Cards *cough*

Still makes me laugh

Jesus Game of Thrones is going to be crazy busy. I don't think I'll be able to wait a day since HBO Go is the only way for me to (legally) access it.

Whoa whoa whoa…. Amy Poehler is dating Nick Kroll?!

Nope. Its not that my parents are very conservative, but my parents didn't watch much TV and all they knew about The Simpsons was that it was very raunchy (which it really isn't, I now know).

Does anyone remember some kind of cross promotion between The Simpsons and Antz? I believe it was in theaters, cuz I remember being a kid in the movie theater and seeing a poster featuring the two of them for some kind of special presentation. My parents didn't let me watch The Simpsons back then, so I never got to

I'm very glad to see all the love for Spongebob in these comments. The last couple years have seen less love for my favorite yellow sponge boy. I definitely memorized the entirety of the episode where Spongebob steals Mermaidman's shrink ray and shrinks the whole town (and eventually himself).

True story: As a kid I loved that song so much I made a machinima music video of this song using Halo 2 with my friends. It took an entire evening, and mostly involved my friends killing each other while I tried to stop them.

I watched Zodiac with a couple friends on Wedsenday, totally unprepared for this David Fincher-inspired episode. There was a great feeling of synchronicity when the Ass-Crack Bandit started sending mysterious letters.

I didn't know this before, because I've never read the LOTR/Hobbit, but the dwarves motivation in the novel amounts to little more than "Hey we heard there's some gold in that mountain. Lets go check it out, could be cool." That's some real weak motivation that might fly in a book but would get really hard to

The review for Wrong: B-
How does this make sense?

I think its important to remember that Jonah Hill was the only one on stage who isn't a stand up. He's much more of an "actor" than a comedian than any of the other roasters, which would explain why he was more nervous. I remember reading about the same thing when he was playing a stand up in Funny People, since