
As a major-league fan of Mr. Rogers who didn’t expect this spin-off to merit the same kind of enthusiasm, I’m gonna have to disagree pretty vehemently. There are plenty of cheesy crap kids’ shows that are *educational* in all the most superficial and irritating ways, but Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is teaching a

Getting waterboarded by Donald Trump while being simultaneously sodomized by Rush Limbaugh isn’t as bad as Caillou. WHY THE FUCK DOESN’T HE HAVE HAIR??

Nothing is as bad as Calliou. It’s no doubt aimed for younger kids (my four year old doesn’t even really like it anymore) but it at least has less yelling and Daniel doesn’t whine like Calliou. Calliou is what you show kids to raise them to be sociopaths.

This is some BULL-SHIT.
Daniel Tiger is totally fine. It’s simple and fun and doesn’t feature a shit ton of yelling (as a lot of kids shows do).
The only real wrinkle in the show is the completely insufferable Prince Wednesday, who prefaces everything with “royal” and then is the biggest crybaby whenever anything

NO! Nothing in this world is as bad a fucking “Calliou.” I will watch endless hours of “Daniel Tiger” before I even fathom watching “Calliou.” It’s a little known fact that “Calliou” is used in secret CIA prisons as an interrogation method so cruel that the Hague has come knocking.

I think we all remember that in Mr. Rogers’ house back in the day, there was a toy trolley that rolled on toy tracks into a hole in the wall, which became the trolley in the Land of Make Believe that was appropriately sized for it’s residents. This is, of course, the land in which THIS show takes place. Makes perfect

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San Antonio’s very own Girl in a Coma’s recent cover (they also do a great “When the World Falls Down” and “Transmission”)