Russ Thomas' Festering Corpse

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“Out Of A Job Yet? Keep Buying Foreign!” bumper stickers

He was a celeb at an event I attended several years ago and he was a really quiet guy. Polite, just didn’t have much to say. He didn’t seem interested in small talk and not in an arrogant or aloof way, it just seemed like his personality. From interviews I get the feeling he likes the privacy of his family time and

Look. If they were racist and a joke, someone on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour would be making money on them.

There were plenty of men of his time who managed to work out more reasonable opinions than he did. Even if there weren’t, the past would remain worth examining.

Allow me to save our right-wing friends the spittle. Ahem: commie leftist cold-dead-hands founders freedom stick-to-sprots Nobama Muslins Benghazi make-America-great-again rights put-Christ-back-in-Christmas hunting heritage-not-hate lamestream-media rubbin-is-racin. Did I miss any?

That you Leaf?

She’s clearly saying that putting money into individuals’ hands is better than paying it to banks and other corporations. She doesn’t say anything about social services here.

If he were jerking off, he probably would have turned off the Victoria’s Secret show to avoid the distraction.

Because politics never gets mixed with sports otherwise, like those referendums to fund sports arenas or the special taxation of athletes on visiting teams.

Bone broth truthers are the fucking worst.

yes it is our concern because anytime the hipsters find something which is normally cheap (like stock) they lose they're goddamned minds and drive prices up with their bullshit. plus it contributes to a culture of ignorance where mundane (or useless things) are inflated in perceived value because of putative "health