
Carrie’s lip quivering game is off the charts this season!

The most unbelievable thing that happened on last night’s episode was that they let that incompetent idiot Jenna sit in on a conference call with the President!!

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I actually liked that the writers didn’t have any cliched ‘Carrie and Saul swoop in at the last minute to save X’ moments in this episode. That being said, who wouldn’t feel sorry for Max, who most certainly did not deserve anything resembling his ultimate fate?

Nah, I don’t think they would keep making a Picard series without Stewart..

I think the problem Star Trek currently faces is the “who is it for?” question.

Costa Ronin is a treasure.

Im always on TvFanatic. At least they give Mer shit when is being a selfish idiot (often). 

they must have been drinking...a lot

Careful! Wit like that and you’ll be head writer for the show!

The accelerated interruptions in “On The Couch” reminded me (a lot) of “Jizz In My Pants.”

Now playing

Kate and Chloe embracing goodbye via a foot-touching Irish step dance,

It would be more believable if he snapped when realizing all Izzy stole from him by not telling him about his children then assaulted her and went to prison. Not blindly forgive her after all the pain she caused and fall into a happy family routine.

Two. They made two different episode of original Law & Order in which Pompeo plays the manipulative shit who did horrible things to her family and the detectives realize after persecuting somebody else for 50 minutes. The two characters are supposedly different. They only aired 4 years apart.

A friend of mine who is a fan of the show is convinced it wasn’t his voice.

At least the HIMYM writers had the excuse of having that endgame in mind from the beginning (and were kind of blind to how no-longer-great an idea it had become), and that they fucked up the timing and execution, and things had sort of gotten away from them over the run of the show. Endgaming Karev and Izzie at this

Was that even Chambers reading the letters? I swore it didn’t quite sound like his voice and figured they found a voicealike to read.

This got an actual full laugh out of me, thank you.

On the one hand, I think it’s probably accurate that Justin Chambers didn’t leave on great terms and/or refused to come back to film anything additional (though they did get him to voiceover those letters!). I read a rumor that he checked into a mental health facility but I have NO idea if that’s accurate. So I can

How are people getting bent out of shape over a guy who looks like Nick Lachey had a allergic reaction to eating a pistachio?