
Look dear I know I’ve already worked a 100 hrs this week, the boss really needed me. but tonight I promise to be home on time. I know it’s our daughter’s birthday and we’ve all she’s got.

I guess it’s easy to weigh them if you keep them in your nightstand.

Pick yourself up a soft top Samurai, remove the rear seat. Problem solved. :-)

Can’t find his name in the phone book.

You clearly don’t have children.

Then one day the volvo succumbed to chronic over heating caused by restricted air flow through the grill.

They’re worth exactly as much as someone is willing to pay them. (And in the cases of max players, most are worth a lot more than even that.)

“The smell, the way that it made my eyes water”

Maybe you shouldn't be here...

This news is especially sad considering early reports that it was all fun and games.

No, this is a restored Land Cruiser. A hipster one would be deconstructed and served on a slab of teak.

Yes and we call him Dane Cook. ;)

Ignorance is Bliss.

Shit. We know what happened the last time Mohammed was fed up with the jets.

You bought a reliable truck to haul your junk jeeps around?

He should be charged with ramming one of the surviving Crown Vic taxis :(

There’s a tag on the air conditioner cord by the plug. It says the “maximum current” or something to that effect. It’s in amps, as in, 10A. Write that down. Go to hardware store. Look at cords. Buy cord with at least that many A. Plug A/C into cord and cord directly into wall. Phew, you did it.

Was that fan not aware that of any former professional basketball player, Charles Barkley is the one who has actually thrown someone through a plate glass window, and when asked by the judge if he had any regrets, said yes, I wish I had been on a higher floor?

I give it 15 minutes before half of Jezebel is here to disagree with you.

Bring back the 8 series and use that as the 911 fighter you drunk ass Bavarians.