
Anybody feel better now?

I live in Wyoming, those stickers are about as common as a car in our state (very rare :)

The one the dealer puts on when you buy your new car/truck.

Having driven or be driven in most citroen from that era and since, trust me you don’t...

Range Rover - The best way to get into the bush.

You spelled FJ wrong.

Having (some) experience with both, I will happily take a 20 year commitment caring for someone who will eventually learn to clean up their own shit rather than a 15 year commitment to someone who will not.

Buy the truck you want and everyone else can..

Seeing that spray painted on the side of a VW would have been confusing

Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.

Bikers, doesn’t it suck when some dick is blocking half of the lane and all the traffic makes it hard to get around him?

Byron Scott: “Do we want to talk about Miami at all?”

Texting while driving is dangerous, I agree. Downloading Flash to play this game is much more dangerous.

Rent in Austin is already “crack pipe to infinity.” Sure, I could probably rent a house in Hutto or Buda for the $1250 I pay for my 800 sq ft box (which, btw, is in the 2-mile ETJ so people who live there are affected by Austin city council but get no vote), but whodafuq wants to live in Hutto or Buda? Never mind

I think you mean ancient aluminum.


When is it acceptable to make a shit-ass comment about someone taking the elevator? Never. Because I did it once, and the person was coming off of knee surgery a few months prior and I had to go to “sensitivity” class because of it.

Only an asshole would complain about shortcuts and say U instead of YOU.

Straight Up.

This article is worthless without a comparison to a gas model. How does the extra cash t of the diesel motor compare to th fuel cost savings?

I don’t understand why Tennessee would even need a Head Trainer anyway. Peyton’s was big enough already.