
Does Shapiro know he’s a Jew?

Yeah, apparently now listening to a Jew is reason enough to attack Jews? Apparently the person doesn’t know that Shapiro is a Jew.

Throwing his wife under the bus for the beliefs he clearly embraces. You’re shit bro.

What if we drill down 500 feet and plant a nuclear bomb? That should sort everything out, wouldn’t it?

If everyone on the northern hemisphere jumps at the same time just as it passes by we can temporarily duck the planet out of the way.

they could just permanently delete the app from their phone, or does uber tos prohibit that

Jason, I usually like the stuff you write and it’s mostly smart and funny. But lose the profanity. It doesn’t add a single bit of humor, and it’s no longer shocking or edgy. It’s just a crutch for inadequate writing. You’re much better than that.

Stupid or not, he’s very likely accurate. 

I have a VERY hardline stance on this. If my seat reclines, I’m reclining. Period. I’m not sitting upright for 14+ hours. Not happening. The person behind me sitting up right for whatever moral reason, that’s on them, kudos to that person. It’s not like I’m modifying the seat to do something it isn’t supposed to do.

How is that not the blame of the airline? They've crammed more and more seats into a plane at the expense of customer comfort. If I'm sold something that is said to be able to do a certain thing, I am going to use it to do that thing. 

They’re not adding additional They will 6 months from now and it will all be “unrelated” to the new found real estate in the cabin.

Of course it’s not subsidized.  All the drivers paid the same taxes as any other car.

I dont get why people are mad as Uber over this (as long as your NOT an investor or hoping to jump on the IPO/stocks).....they are taking VC funds from big firms and using that money to make your ride fair cheaper than is profitable. Not like your taxes are being hurt. And you claim this is crumbling our

Ccorrection: He didnt drive a Lexus to 1 million, he bought a Lexus at 900k and drove it 100k to 1 million. There are people out there who have actually driven their cars from mile 1 to one million.  In my eyes he just drove a car 100k miles....

And still running fine despite virtually no care and maintenance performed since it left the showroom. Yeah, what a terrible car.

The Pinto also routinely outlasted its’ payment book, unlike the Chevy Vega.

AMC Pacer, nuff said :)

Every. Single. Crossover. Not as good as a proper SUV for off-roading, with worse handling/acceleration/fuel economy/weight/comfort (higher=more nauseating body roll) than an equivalently spacious hatchback/wagon. A compromised class of vehicle that’s supposed to be good at everything but in reality sucks at everything


You feel like you shouldn’t pay for the trip at all because it took 10 extra minutes? I definitely think they should have adjusted the cost, which they did, but I don’t really see why they would refund the whole thing for that. I mean, you still got to your destination.