Russell Scott Day

David Letterman, Margaret Hannah asked for a tape. I made one, and sent it in. I was rejected. I used to care. I was a real fan. I even sent the guy a telegram for fucks sake, a goddamn expensive way to communicate. Why care about David Letterman's pain at being fired? And Jay Leno, Jay Leno, poor sad Jay Leno,

I vowed I'd never have anything to do with Netflix when I had to change my bank accountant to get them out of my life. -and bank account. The "We have a problem Houston! no reply email was as stupid as it gets.

"Fame without money sucks." is the way I always put it. How do you know you're famous? You are cartooned.

I did stand-up long enough to be offered paying work doing it a couple of times.  I turned one job down because I didn't like where the theater was and thought I'd get another offer.
The other offer was a lie that my wasted time.
Doing stand-up at the level I did it meant I could look any other performer in the eye