Report: Timberwolves unpopular with fans, according to telephone poll
Gag gift? A little confident, aren't we?
Get yourself some Elysian The Great Pumpkin, it's well done.
What the fuck does Rovell care about this? Is the Bible a brand now?
"Winnipeg Jets, right? RIGHT??!?!??!"
This is the sort of look you get when you sign the lease to a place you didn't want to live in, but it's the only place you could afford.
Well... When you play with 12 men and make a big deal about it, you're probably gonna get penalized... Jackasses
Pretty good Katie, but the '86 Mets were able to put down 6 beers and an entire 8 ball with just 1 Straw.
Call me when somebody leaves Taco Bell without a damaged rear-end.
Coughlin is that high because of the league's sponsorship agreement with Life Alert.
Not sure if that should make me feel a little proud or a little dirty. Probably dirty.
Jesus: [Looks at roster]
Tom Brady's keys to avoiding Ebola:
I was totally waiting for the boyfriend to shit his pants in that story.
COACH Carroll
Pursey Harvin
You say he's a staple, but I see a man in need of several.
Chris Gaines actually wrote this list.