
Sam was just a weird character because they never handled him well and he seemed to be a different character in each scene.

I'm all about the face. I don't need a great chest, I just like seeing him.

I have a huge crush on him

Plus, he already existed in the show's universe. Dragging him out to parallel Trump at least makes sense. Better than creating a new character.

Everyone has become gross. We're just a few episodes away from most of the cast masturbating in a van outside a playground.

I liked Olivia being called out by Quinn, but it stings for the show to talk about better days when we all know Scandal will probably never course correct.

Yeah, I think it could have been incorporated easier. They've gone to him for hacking in the past, why not need him to do something that then reveals all they've done so he can actually make an informed choice.

I don't really understand what they're trying to do with Oliver beyond using him as a device for Connor to grow a conscious and his hacking to solve problems.

Annalise is essentially a check list of tragic backstory tropes.

I thought this episode was maybe a B.

This episode really was a testament to Melissa Benoist's abilities because the beginning of the episode could have felt too heavy handed with showing how kind and decent she is, but instead it felt natural and her progression to being outright evil felt earned.

They both should get Emmys. They're insanely versatile actresses.

I don't see why Fitz even needed lecturing.

Does the show expect us to side with Mellie and Olivia on the idea that Fitz is a bad person because he's single and having consensual sex with a lot of women?

To me it just seemed like a lot of mystery with little payoff. Wes' mom did kill herself and Annalise lost the baby in a car accident

I enjoyed this episode, mostly because Viola Davis is a phenomenal actress who sells material that is largely lazy and exploitative in how it tries to give a complicated woman a backstory.

Good lord, that's crazy.

I was a little surprised they took Caleb out of the game.

Yeah, I didn't even find her funny. So instead she just came across as someone who was trying way too hard.

I liked this episode, but I think the suicide didn't really seem earned and having a knife jammed in her neck seemed like an obvious attempt to keep it possible that she was murdered as opposed to her slitting her wrists or even cutting her throat open.