
That really shocked me that 1) Pearl was so aware of what the show was doing and 2) that they kept that moment on the show.

I'm kinda glad this season is over. So much of the challenges were weak team challenges where queens had to perform shitty material made by someone else.

I kinda didn't want Mike to win because I have an aversion to people who tattoo Bible quotes on their bodies. Plus, I think he created a situation where he had to win immunity by pissing his alliance off as opposed playing a strong social game. If he had been better at that, then he wouldn't have had to hinge so much

Keep trying, it's cute to watch.

A reality show has never put my life on hold so I have no idea what you're trying to suggest.

It was still sloppy and inappropriately manic. There have been plenty of lip syncs in the past where the person went home for doing what Kennedy did.

I thought the same thing. It wasn't entertaining because it was just random tricks with the song as background music. It felt incredibly desperate. It kinda reminded me of the Black Velvet lip sync, where Juju really channeled the song while Sahara did ballet moves.

I actually hated Kennedy's lipsync. It came across as desperate and more like pulling every trick she had out of her bad as opposed to performing to the song.

My issue with a lot of the challenges this season have been that they're team based and also based on scripts, which really can limit what the queens can and cannot do.

With Kimmy Schmidt, I think that he falls into Tina Fey's love of playing with stereotypes. Yeah, his name is Dong, but he laughs when Kimmie says her name because it means penis. Her show seems to remain relatively sexless. People have sex, and it's sometimes referred to, but sex usually remains a joke in her shows

I think she escapes it by delivering on the runway, so even when she performs poorly, there's always someone who was worse. I don't really think her look was as bad as it was made out to be, honestly. It had a level of polish to it that I think Ginger and Jaidynn were lacking.

While I felt sorry for Nina, I think that she didn't really handled the situation well. Would it suck to be excluded? Of course, but when you feel on the outs you have to try to integrate yourself more into the tribe or make yourself a workhorse in order to force them to see your value. Getting upset and complaining

Willam was a villain?

They also seem to be kinda bitter and bitchy but not in a good way.

The problem with Top Chef is that its entertainment value is entirely dependent on the contestants because we can't actually taste the food.So, even if Project Runway has a lot of dull contestants, we can at least experience the final product and have an opinion on it.

I expected the reveal that Dell is gay. Considering his two partners (that we know off) have been a bearded woman and (what was thought to be) a hermaphrodite, coupled with his ability to get aroused, kinda made it obvious.

I think that they repeated Life on Mars because it didn't have the "What the fuck?" effect anymore, so they could be a bit more objective in showing that Elsa isn't really as talented as she things she is.

One thing I do like about the show is that they make the characters actual adults who immediately put aside difference and past wounds whenever a crisis comes up. On a lesser drama, Diane would have still been bitter towards Alicia when Will died (or they would have tried to find some way for Diane to blame Alicia for

I think it's something that people try to take advantage of. Tony Shaloub won 3 Emmys for Monk which was an hour long dramedy and once a season they'd essentially give him a more dramatic episode for his Emmy reel.

I know that's why he did it, but it seems to me that it's a risk because it can lead to a really bitter jury. I think that the jury couldn't justify giving it to Woo, which is why the votes went to Tony but a lot of that bitterness came from him making so many promises to play on people's emotions.