Russell Flowers

Honestly, I wouldn't be this way except so many of the ones I saw were amateurish fakes, made up quickly, and badly, because they were mad in the wake of the election. There are some things that are hard to get on video, like graffiti, but there is evidence. The problem is there were so many instances where the

"Caught on video" is just my personal standard in the wake of so many apparent fakers. It seems a reasonable request if you want *me* to believe it. But why would you care if I believe it or not?

No, I don't believe every single hate crime reported post-election is made up. But I also don't believe there is some great wave of new hate crimes.

You did not read what I said, or you're trying to misrepresent me.

Have they? I would think if that happened, *someone* would have video of it. Probably multiple recordings. The only video I've seen so far has been Trump supporters getting their asses kicked. I'm not denying it doesn't happen; I just haven't seen it.

Exactly. Except this isn't 8 years ago, this is now, and there seems to be a lot of shoes on the other feet. Thanks for playing.

Well, yes, they exist. But they all seem to be the kind of hatemonger that makes up stories about being attacked by Trump supporters. That is mongering hate, of a sort.

" our new age of politically emboldened hatemongers " - are you referring to the non-existent hatemongers, or the hatemongers that are lying and fabricating "evidence" of hate crimes?

Oh I am so, so glad she lost. Your tears are delicious.

Oh this is rich… the link to back up "evidence to the contrary" just links to another A.V. Club article, which simply presents the notion prima facie.

"Midterm Senate Map a Democrat Nightmare" - bwah-hah-ha!

I intend to channel my rage by burning Patten Oswald in effigy. Yeah, that's right - effigy.

Sorry you guys are feeling down, but you'll be glad to know my mood has been much improved lately.

Based on "The Story of Your Life", a short story.

You guys seem to be handling this well.

Ah, at last I can come back and read comments at the A.V. Club!

No, that my mind went there first.

I thought this said "The Avengers are Earth’s shaggiest heroes in new Doctor Strange PORNO"… I'm a bad person, maybe.

Mmm… both the suspense AND the horror are pretty damn good.