Russell Flowers

You've got a good point. A little humanizing would have been nice. But at least, [spoiler] the douche boyfriend reformed and got the girl!

I'm sorry - did I insult your hero?

"It looks like you're trying to mine platinum. Would you like some help?"

How hard could it be? Just say "Let me be clear", "That's not who we are", and make sure to blame somebody else for everything bad.

Good to know that Homeland Security is protecting the interest of our precious celebrities.

She isn't cool, that's particularly why people want #JusticeForBarb.

Cool username, bro.

"Hens grant grits"

Did anyone else find Arthur's origin story a little hard to follow?

And waffles have two sides. Think about it.

"Melania is a trophy wife and probably isn’t very smart. (That last cliché proves particularly irritating, because it’s provably false.) "

Something like that.

Please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.

"In the wake of the Senate’s failure to pass gun control measures yet again"

That "UPDATE" - well done, consider me trolled. Wink, wink.

And that reminds me of Flight of the Navigator.

Cool. You fucked up your kid.

