Russell Flowers

Well I don't choose Presidential candidates by how many genders they think exist, or who can divide Americans by color, etc. like most Democrats do. I have to look to who is better equipped to uphold American virtues, the Constitution, etc. Neither candidate is acceptable under that criteria.

A little. But Hillary scares me too. Which scares me more? I don't know, it's different kinds of scary. Something about Trump makes me just want to spin the wheel and see what happens. (I am not at all concerned that he's some crazy guy ready to chuck nukes, that's just idiotic.)

I don't need to be a Trump supporter to boo some self-righteous wank using my graduation as his coffee klatch.

Not a Trump supporter.

If I were a student (or one of the parents), I would stand up and boo this horse's ass.

Doesn't it seem like this show started 6 months ago? Must be a symptom of getting older.

The first movie got an R rating, supposedly because it was sooooo scary. That made me really look forward to seeing it. I was not scared to an R level, sorry.

I haven't see BvS yet (I see I had the order wrong), so I hope I like it better than what everyone says.

I understand the "Superman v. Batman" is a bad (or less than middling at best) movie. But I plan to see it.

OK thanks everyone - I don't know why I was inordinately curious about it, but I think I have the complete picture now!

Well who can believe that? ;)

But that seems to imply the source of the humor depended heavily on another audience member.

Thank you! And so quick, too.

Someone please tell me the pompous timing of the chyron.

I think it's the kind of series that won't hold up if it is successful enough to go more than 3 or 4 seasons. My feeling is, the story (whatever it turns out to be ultimately) should have an ending that is done on purpose. That should take 2 to 4 seasons (IMO). The danger is getting something like "Lost" where

Not so much weird, just old fashioned. Get with the times!

Steve has the most patient deadly cancer that I've ever seen.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention stores! Kind of like shopping online, but you got to actually touch and feel the product before you buy.

See, kids, back in the day, websites like and had paper magazines to supplement their content.

I prefer the spiritually based "pray the mutation away" programs.