
one day on the bus i heard a college-aged girl who’s vocal fry was o bad i nearly called and ambulance.....


i have footage on super 8 of disneyland in the 1977-1983 era. i need $500 to get all my film digitized, tho, so if you want to see it, pay that, and any money i make of my monetized youtube page FROM that footage - the first $500 goes to you.

there is really nothing uglier than a woman using tobacco

me and some buddies were chatting and got on the subject of “the perfect weekend”.

one buddy said that a case of beer and his fishing boat and a calm lake was his perfect weekend

my other buddy said “gimme a hammock and an ounce of weed, that’s my perfect weekend...”

They asked me what my perfect weekend would be and I

I have only one item on my bucket list: Wingsuit

so i go to paris in 1999
I rent an apartment for two weeks with my lady
it has feathers inside somewhere
so i get sinus issues
stop at the pharmacy and ask for antihistamines
thing is, in Canada, antihistamines come in two versions: drowsy, and super-talkative non-drowsy.
In paris, apparently they only have the drowsy kind

still chain smoking, tho. even a coma cannot stop that

maybe Theron got fed up listening to Penn’s hour-long coughing fits every afternoon when he awoke...

work from home? hell, i am a 24/7 caregiver to my epileptic wife. i haven’t left her side for more than ten minutes since March 9, 2008. over seven years together, 24/7.

cops are filth

my standing desk is the main thing keeping me from going back to a wheelchair

still super good looking for her age

anyone who even visits these shit-pile backwards countries gets zero sympathy from me

what is the Chinese symbol for “don’t hire me”....?

so nice

anyone talk to Sally Mann about this?

jesus... remember when she was in Mask and Eastwick how hot she was? now she looks like a plastic fuck doll

sound like they are both from Ottawa