
she probably wants it legal to smoke anywhere and everywhere
and also make smoking compulsory for everyone

she is gross. really gross. i bet her laugh sounds like a sump pump when it runs dry.

that chick is so awesome.....

hardly anything. we had a Slam Wedding.
You make hand drawn invites, photocopy them, mail them out (this was 2005).
You tell everyone to meet in a location like a park for a pot-luck casual get together.
Oh, yeah, a wedding ceremony will happen.
then you have the reception right there in the park.
cheap, causal, sober,

the saddest thing about tobacco is that it takes decades to kill the user instead of merely seconds.

people have cured their crohn's with marijuana. look it up.

maybe he is a lying cunt....

i wish they would all just get cancer at once....

republicants are all mental

her parents need to be investigated by child protection. they are raising a pair of idiots

this is the faeces that is produced produced when too much money eats too little education

So my wife has these yellow blotches under her eyes

Now playing

this is the most-watched seizure video on the net:

You can, however, kill your cancer with cannabis oil and vitamin C.

Literal title: The Bone-Skinny Hacker Chick Who Smokes THE WHOLE TIME

all of them. my parents were a bombastic redneck and his retard bride, and they taught me the basics of food preparation and not to be hung up about sex. other than that, it was all nonsense.

we had a Slam Wedding, which is where you tell everyone to meet in the park, dress casual, maybe bring food, and, oh, yeah, there will be a wedding ceremony.

It was by the waterfront in Ottawa, and we had a potted Marijuana plant present.

My father, a wilfully ignorant redneck and self-styled prankster, brought a fart

so this movie was on tv when i was about 13 or 14. 83-83 ish.