Russell Barth

Next they will try to pass a bill that says none of it happened. Gaslighting rapist terrorist party.

Scientologist freakazoid

“rigged the NFL”?
It is as scripted as the WWE....

1) He won’t pay a penny
2) He will keep lying about her and get dragged into court a third time

It won’t end until he is dead

he certainly seems like a closeted gay guy

She is a Lot Lizard who got a better job

just seems like another closet homo trying to hide who he really is by lashing out

Tobacco is so fucking gross
she might as well pick up a dog turd off the sidewalk and smush it into her teeth for all the appeal smoking tobacco holds
nihilistic bullshit

Elle looks like the kind of lass who would light up a cigarette in a nice restaurant on a first date, and then look at you like “Aren’t I aDORable......?”

Elvis was a pedo

hard to believe that an old italian guy who has made a career playing gangsters would have archaic views about women in the workplace

they are not

Justin Trudeau an Joe Biden both offered words of support to the killer.

her teeth are hideous

fuck your bible, asshole

racist scumbag

closet homos one and all

Of course the Reich is all “they are just trying to silence him.”
if THEY wanted him silenced they would whack him

put some bullets in that turd