
BMW drivers don’t even fill up their blinker fluid and yet now BMW expects them to fill up another tank? C’mon...

Make that not quite so time lapsey, stream it in 4k, and I’d pay for it.

If only we had more awareness about guns in America

It is the emoji people use to signify a phallus.

Damn, if only you had been out there in the field to tell them that. I’m sure they decided to use a largely untested procedure just for giggles.

Can we get one of these explaining the differences between a Citation and a pile of crap?

Best/only sub 5k sleeper I could find on ebay:

I think it’s time for all nations that want to participate in the Olympics to pony up a few dollars, euros, pounds, shekels, rupees, etc. and give them to Greece, where a permanent dedicated Olympic Village will be built. Greece has no money, but they can donate land. Building it will help the Greek economy. (Why

Do Not Masturbate While Seated

Dubai doesn’t have backcountry woods....

This man is a hero. All Lamborghinis should be subversive and awesome!

It still amazes me how many people don't understand the concept of free speech. You're a moron.

Oh look, Ladies and Gents. It's That Guy!

Who the fuck cares what anyone drives when they’ve lost a close friend?

Oh shut the hell up. You’ve probably never served. While I personally like President Obama, whenever we salute a senior officer or superior it is a mark of respect for the office. I didn’t like Bush, but I saluted him because I respect the office, even though the man did stuff I didn’t like. Any service-member who

Yeah, must be horrible to have a POTUS that doesnt send you and your buddies to war on a whim, right?

A Sea King for $14,000? Fuck Yeah!

You are so wrong.

There’s a joke here somewhere.