
There needs to be way, way, WAY more explicit signalling that Paul Atreides and the choices he makes are not “good,” and that he is not a “hero.”

Except no Droids, AI, computers, lightsabers, and Paul is actually a cautionary tale and not a hero’s one like Star Wars.

Star Wars owes a lot to Dune, so that isn’t super surprising.

Bless the trailer and its water. Bless the coming and going of it. May its viewing cleanse the world. May it keep the world on the hook for its movie. 

Man with a history of hate toward LGBTQ folks also has a history of sexually assaulting his male staffers.

Well, the average non wealthy hobbyist isn’t flying around in jet engine aircraft. So you start things there, and dip a little into the really high end luxury planes/multi-seater (talking more than 4 seats including pilot/co-pilot). And restricting it to that, means you’re pretty much avoided all the hobbyists and

Lawn darts always just bring me back to how quickly the government could ban them but in a country with daily school shootings there’s suddenly nothing that can be done.

Such fucking bullshit. Just a total confirmation how people with money can stall punishment for so long.

I’m in favor of legislation that states that if police cannot or will not turn over body cam footage then they are by default pleading guilty to charges pending investigation of foul play.

Just like Daddy Modi wants.

Yeah, there’s no reason with todays tech, every minute of the full shift can’t be recorded and not turney offey by the officer or you’re fired.

It’s no accident. It’s an execution followed by the desecration of a corpse. This was a message. One we can/should hear loud and clear.

Lol, no. That’s literally not how that works. But ok, use whatever mental gymnastics works for you. 

It’s almost like Musk constantly asks himself “How can I be a bigger asshole than I was yesterday?”

Dearest USofA,

If you have never watched the LuLaRoe documentary on Prime, I encourage you to do so. Everything in this woman’s little rant, from words to cadence, sounds exactly like the things those pyramid scheme scam artists would say to anyone who dared to complain. It’s freakishly similar.

Even when she’s mellow, that pained, plastered-on smile for the first 20 seconds is a dead giveaway about the entitled rage bubbling underneath.

And it starts with the CEO and drips down to every manager, too. I was a retail store manager several years ago and when a nearby location’s manager quit, I was given the “opportunity” to manage two stores instead of one. Logically I thought this would mean a significant pay rise because I would be literally doing the

I once asked my boss if we could discuss the possibility of getting a raise and her response was “I can’t just GIVE you more money!”

It’s always stunning to me how CEOs seem willfully blind about what pay does as an incentive to performance. Bonuses tied to delivery is a nice extra, but the foundation needs to be firm enough to begin with. This idea that poverty is an adequate motivator is abhorrent.