
Whew, thank GOD - it’s almost 10 minutes after this story was posted and you comment on it.

Next step: the Supreme Court will overturn precedent and grant corporate/private jets personhood.

Well, he lied about holding his other kid while they died to justify breaking a promise he made before, so I wouldn’t be surprised

It’s all moot because someone tracked his car and not a plane.

1) Lea Michele looks like she got a new face added right over her old face. I wonder if there will be a plastic surgery addiction in her future.

Dentists are doctors, that bastard don’t trust no doctors

Why is he interviewing Nosferatu?

Is that guy’s name actually Bastardi? Is that a real last name? Or is it like a weird pen name.

They left a man w/ a trach & who has to use a voicebox emplifier to speak in jail for a year. Makes me stabby.

I wonder how long it will be until someone starts creating butt plugs in the likeness of MTG’s ghoulish face. I’ll best it’s less than a week and they’re on the market in at least prototype form. 

Now playing

Typical Republican. She just wants to stop us all reaching our full potential.

Okay, but how much of that was spam?

If it were some random person’s child instead of the child of one of the highest profile, most powerful people in the country? I suppose you’re right about that, but apples are also different from oranges.

I mean, if “provides gender affirming care to trans children in consultation with a doctor” is sufficient evidence of abuse to take people’s children from them and throw them in jail, Cruz probably deserves the death penalty for this.

The designer, Lorie Smith, said the state’s rule prevents her from selling wedding websites because she only believes in heterosexual marriages and doesn’t want to serve gay couples.

I mean,....they’re right.

Breitbart-Fox-WND-Infowars-NYPost, the list goes on... have been doing it for years. So propaganda and lying are now an issue?

The simulation is getting weird AF

3 pairs of shoes??? I swear people pack WAY too much.

Fuck this. Once they start sending normal people to these places instead of celebrities and richies then I would think it is ok. Even though I think our justice system is a joke and is basically designed to crush people into subhuman beasts I am tired of entitled assholes getting the white glove treatment.