
RSS also stands Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh  a right wing hindu nationalist paramilitary oragnization.

Is Monster Asshole an enema?

It´s an Airbnb now.

Swell, a robot that will kill you in your sleep but can´t dance.

Casio is apparently hiring him as their spokesman.

 Hope they enjoy working for free.

Dalmatians are good ratters too.

“send you a message” by leaving half dead chipmunk carcass on your stoop.

I saw this as a teenager in theater in the mid 70´s more than once and I honestly didn´t remember the nude scene.

Fine with a father trying to murder his children then setting himself on fire but swimming nude was a bridge to far.

Amurika what the fuck is wrong with you?

Or thrown under a bus.

He likes his metrosexuals hard.

The documents also noted that the prospect of jail time was “terrifying” considering she is the mother of a 1-year-old son.”

Came for this. Not diappointed. I would suggest fetid instead of filthy though.

She looks like Courtney Love after being embalmed.

That and the fact that dogs are pack animals whereas cats are more solitary, except of for lions.

For my youngest cat it´s our MMA sessions.

You beat me to this.

The real upside to all this is that there has been a serious fall off in Musk stans in all the comment sections I frequent. Thanks Elon.