
So far no one has commented that as acts of war go this was incrediblely civilized.

Well, yes, because Johnny is cool and has money..

These guys are the ones who, if their morther’s ever said” if Johnny jumped off a bridge would you”, would just stare blankly.

I think his dog tried to steal his hot pocket once before leaving to move into a shelter.

I really want to hear Angela Merkerl, Theresa May or perhaps The Queen of England call him that.

 and “suffering from mild carpal tunnel syndrome from clutching my pearls”

So, Marianne, you’re telling me that I sent Lindsey Graham to the beach with his thoughts and prays..... and it worked . Damn.

Send Lindsey Graham out to beach to stop it with thoughts and prayers.

I must say, she is well trained.

Life imitate art or art imitates life?

Fresh blood probably.


But is it art?

Grecian Goddess Garage Sale ?

Tana Goertz, who works with the campaign in Iowa, insisted Trump’s contributions to the betterment of “the female population” were on par with the Calcutta nun”

“but you’ve got to look at who’s going to win this election,”

They should put a boot on the wheel of Air Force One until he pays what he owes them.

He. Is. Responisible.