Same here. How does a bowtie become mimicked in a rounded transparent thing anyway?
Same here. How does a bowtie become mimicked in a rounded transparent thing anyway?
You realize Chevy was trying to mimic their stupid bow tie with those “bubbly” headlights, right? Yeah, they failed.
So what’s your definition of a sport then?
There’s no COTD on Suns, you bimbo!
A truck you can load a motorcycle into without a step ladder? Sounds good!
Honestly, I don’t see the problem here. Street trucks make perfect sense. I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there who could utilize the utility of a pick up without needing off-road capabilities.
Gravel drifter!
I like the off-road tires on the street rims.
Um, i think you meant
So you take an off-road performance truck, take away it’s ability to really haul anything and go off-road, and just make a drift truck instead?
He puts the SL in SLeigh.
There’s still room in that graveyard for all the VR headsets.
Normal bombers would have fighter escorts for certain ranges, so that sounds like something that’s missing.
All I really think this game needs is automatic orders from gunners to retrieve ammo.
I had much the same feelings and disappointments as you did. The game is asking one person to do the work of a whole crew, and badly needs a pause button so that you can properly portion out tasks during the times when shit has hit the fan.
And more often than not, everything that could happen in any one particular…
The only true way to measure horsepower accurately is by putting your car in a tug-of-war against a team of actual horses, and counting how many horses it takes to break even.