
That’s the cruel irony of Louisiana politics. Our Democrats are basically Republicans, but Republican votes won’t vote for them because LIBRULS! OBAMA! SWAMP! FAMILYYY VALUESSSSSS! So we keep electing Republicans who proceed to turn our state upside down and shake it until the pennies all fall out, then fuck off and

EXACTLY. I made a lot of those same points to him - including reminding him about Selective Service and how he’s the one who would be subject to a draft to go die in some pointless war because some foreign leader insulted Emperor Trump on Twitter.

I KNOW RIGHT?! I made it very clear that that sort of phrasing was NOT OKAY, EVER, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS, because rape is an ACTUAL CRIME that happens to REAL LIFE WOMEN, including women that he knows and cares about. He clearly got the message, because he looked ashamed - but then he tried to change the subject to

This was basically the argument I had with my (straight white male) brother on Wednesday. I was freaking out because I was terrified of all the things that Trump has said he wants to do, and he started complaining about jobs and taxes and Obamacare and how he feels punished for making good money. He actually used the

Because poor people. Rich people are gonna be okay; they can afford to pay for good insurance, or to fly to Canada for abortions. Poor people, meanwhile, get trapped into having babies they don’t want and can’t afford, which means getting trapped into low education and dead-end jobs, which means staying poor and

I spent this afternoon with my mom, doing chores around the kitchen while she made gumbo. I put on my current playlist (titled “FUCK TRUMP” obvs) and we had a nice time singing along to Green Day. American Idiot is just perfect for angry singalongs. “Sieg Heil to the president gasman” indeed.

I know right?! For people so concerned about the preservation of Anglo-Saxon culture and heritage they don’t seem to care much about the English language.

Ah, that’s how I felt...until I realized that an uncomfortable, overwhelmed Trump is going to turn to his good buddies Newt, Rudy, etc. for advice. Or just hand over all the actual work to Pence.

I think this entire concept of “You can’t say all Trump supporters are racist because [reasons]!” is fundamentally flawed. Yes, not all Trump are card-carrying white supremacists who made their choice purely because of race (though a scary number of them are). But choosing Trump despite his statements towards people

Term limits is actually the one thing in this nightmare proposal I could get behind and is naturally one of the things that is definitely not going to happen because it isn’t in the best interests of Republican congresspeople (haha I mean congressMEN). Voters reelect incumbents over new candidates all the time - even

According to the twitters Trump is considering Bobby Jindal for Health and Human Services??!?!?! As a resident of Louisiana I am extremely confused?!?!?! Because Jindal is a joke who fucked our state over in a laughable attempt at a primary run?!?!?! BUT HEY TRUMP’S GOTTA GET HIS TOKEN BROWN PEOPLE SOMEWHERE

In the coming years we are really going to need people to write about environmental issues. You don’t need an English degree. Even if you don’t get this specific job, you can keep writing - as freelance, as a hobby, whatever.

I’ve been taking five minutes out of every hour of soul-rending rage and fear to be angry at the people who voted third party. In theory I wanted to be okay with third party voting, because I do believe that the two-party system is broken and that it’s better to vote third party than not at all, but THIS ISN’T THEORY.

I’m currently in the process of moving on from freaking out about Trump to freaking out about Pence. Chaotic Evil versus Lawful Evil. Still evil, but Pence knows how/is more willing to play the game, which might be scarier??? Idk someone hold me.

It’s really bizarre to see people who are treating today like just any other day (instead of alternating between crying and wanting to set fire to something, like me). But I suppose that’s the magic of privilege - you get to have a normal, boring Wednesday while the rest of us keep hoping to wake up from this

You don’t owe Trump supporters anything, especially the ones who seem to think that this is a fucking game and that we should be good sports about it. I’ve spent all day thinking about how people are literally going to die because of this - black people, brown people, LGBTQ people, women, Muslims, refugees, veterans,

On a day like today, your comment feels a little like “give me a gold star for being a decent human being!” Probably not how you intended it, but that’s how it feels, because today is a fucking nightmare and not everyone has the mental fortitude to respond graciously to offers of support from somebody safe up on