The Rururr Jururr

"Folks, this is former President Barack Obama, here with a public service announcement. Despite what you might have heard in the fake news, cyanide is definitely poisonous! Small doses are not the key to unlocking secret white people powers, so whatever you do, trust me: Don't drink any! I just want what's best for

stares penetratingly at Alien Jesus while cocking head, musical cue plays

"Well, you had Big Nasim and Little Nasim. Psycho Nasim in fourth grade was always in trouble, and then there was Gay Nasim, who was ironically the biggest Nasim, but it was the Eighties, we didn't know any better."

That's one hell of a rude way to refer to Li * USER DELETED *

Just like how he didn't let Sean Spicer meet the pope.

Vangelis hold copyright to an album titled Blade Runner, and presumably their 1982 contract with The Ladd Company did not reserve the rights for that album to the film's producer. That wouldn't happen today.

New Doctor to be paid as much as old Doctor

Shutting down Nazi imagery and politics is a far cry from killing every Nazi and impoverishing every fellow-traveler. The de-Nazification of German politics bore far less of a resemblance to the initial comment's suggestion than it did to the Versailles Treaty.

Nah, we'd just have different slaves. For everyone who hates the bosses' injustice, there is another who hates the fact that another guy is doing the screwing.

This comment makes more sense if I pretend we're Frenchmen celebrating Versailles.

fantasy racism

Huntsville SC alums represent!

It's a technically brilliant action movie! I could probably put together a decent clip of great fight scenes out of its total runtime. But I'd rather watch almost anything else from his body of work.

I mean, I didn't hold it against him and have loved some of his subsequent work.

I have a confession, guys.

Doppelynch, or Davidganger?

Why would someone not not want that?

These kids today, with their Blueteeth and sound bars, basically hear any kind of audio technical jargon like Charlie Brown heard adults.

Which is a great movie, if you enjoy exploring the dark corners of Lynch's ass.

Quentin Tarantino quipped, “After I saw Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me at Cannes, David Lynch had disappeared so far up his own ass that I have no desire to see another David Lynch movie until I hear something different.”