The Rururr Jururr

No, Creeper is a different commenter. He's pretty cool.

I grew up in Florida, left as soon as the military would take me, moved back after my four-year term, and escaped to the Northeast two years later. If it weren't for family and friends who insist on living there, I'd never return to that yahoo-filled, paved-over swampass sauna. Fuck Florida. There are plenty of

Disneyland superior to Disney World? I'm not one hundred percent sure I agree with your police work there, Lou.

Considering that body fat helps us float, I'm guessing "not at all."

And a love of Boston's sports teams, coupled with utter contempt for the Boston metro area and its inhabitants.

If there was one thing that united Blue Vermont and Red New Hampshire when I lived up north, it was any suggestion of monkeying with LIHEAP (the terribly-named federal heating fuel support program.)

Sir, the only people in this country with no room to poke fun at that attitude are Texans.

Depp has not yet apologized for helping to spread the notion that the contemporary Republican party has much of anything in common with the Republicans of Abraham Lincoln’s day.

I stick to the "Austrian economics" school of thought, although only in film reviews oddly enough, so my review is short.

"When all you have is a hammer…"

a woman who became useless and broken after losing her father figure, and a woman who became evil after rejecting one father figure in favor of an evil one?

"Now we see the violence inherent in the [Marvel cinematic universe]!"

What is this mysterious "Queens" of which you speak?

Not if she's using the official address of each venue. Kings Theatre's address is 1027 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.

Because if you put "New York, NY" then everyone here will reasonably assume it's in Manhattan. Official addresses in the boroughs use the borough name, not "New York."


When asked how the hell he could tell the difference, he just kind of shrugged it off saying, "Well, you just know, right?"


Worst part about Newt is that he's not a dummy; he's educated enough to know better, and has obviously made a conscious decision that truth is of no consequence next to power.

Oh hell no, I am not driving to Pennsylvania for this.