The Rururr Jururr

I don't know if it's a legit Churchill quote or one of many misattributions, but I've always loved, "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."


Is the condescension here intentional, or just a casual mistake? Because it's pretty shitty to imply that anyone who disagrees with you actually secretly agrees with you, but is just ashamed to admit it.


Leo X?

I am morbidly curious about what a "sexy priest" costume would look like, but too lazy to Google it.

It's set in Vermont, or "America's Canada." The main characters are state troopers wearing very realistic uniforms, and the Spurbury police are dressed like real-life Waterbury police. Waterbury is about an hour south of Canada, home to Ben and Jerry's.

Well, that escalated quickly.

I've been mailing checks for years to the fundraising address ElDan helpfully provided, but still haven't received so much as a tote bag. This whole website is a scam, I tells ya!

Gary Sinise seems to have done OK, though.

These were the best days of our flerm!

THAT's one thing I don't miss about Vermont: The Red Sox Hivemind.

Oh man, I'm not even trying to compete at your level.

That's right, one of the NYC gang mentioned that you'd moved up to God's Country. Catch up with me about it on TIF sometime, I'd love to hear how this move looks in reverse!

Rururr Jururr's 5,000th Comment

Or The Barry Sanders Show?

"Drugs called amphetamines, they go the house?"

What, is she funny or something?

Washington labor law is just the wurst.

You're thinking of Ariana Grande in the first case, and me in the second case.