Rurick Ringslinger

Seems a fairly simple and obvious step: the person uploading the video has to take responsibility for the legality of it. If it’s found that a video is illegal and the uploader checked a box saying it was, it’s an easy prosecution. A checkbox will not deter them but it will make them accountable.

LOL. You see that on TV? The ones on the SWAT team are the ones that REALLY want to shoot someone. A position on SWAT is a reward for being a good ‘ol cop, and all the good ‘ol boy shit that comes along with it. They don’t train, they LARP Rainbow Six. Most of the anti-itchy trigger finger training is to quickly

The big difference is that Hill (and Senator Franken before her) did the right thing and when their ethics were shown to be questionable, stepped down from their positions. Like politicians used to do when they got caught being hypocrites. Should they have had to? Franken? Yes. He was accused by someone. Hill? No.

I read so much of this sort of analysis where the author is trying to dissect the psyche of the republican or bigot or whoever, trying to assign motivation to why they might say this or do that. You are the only one who tells the truth: they know. You can try to conceive a million reasons why a white male middle aged

I hear the Universities of Michigan and Ohio and the US National Gymnastics team use the same approach. Pretty much anyplace there are men in positions of power. I can’t speak to California mormons but here in Utah the quality of sex education in general is abysmal and the rate of teen pregnancy is nearly the highest

Yes but the really frustrating thing is that Giz Media does not provide any sort of feedback channel that I can find. They really don’t seem to give a shit whether they’re marketing “innovations” are right on the hairy edge of driving away long time returning readers. I can only assume I’m not the only one but since

I just go back to the last game I didn’t finish. Which will always and forever be Diablo II. Also the only game I didn’t finish, as it’s the only game I played. Oh wait, I didn’t finish Diablo too.

From the article: “She alleges that she complained verbally and in writing about race and sex discrimination and a hostile work environment.”

No big news there. Every republican president since Eisenhower has been a sock puppet with corporate America’s arm up it’s ass to the elbow.

This is an entire article about disingenuously dissecting as literal something that is clearly a common expression for “that’s not going to look good as part of my legacy.”

Did you use a random headline generator?

The waste plastic generated by this behavior is criminal.

“That conjures up visions of cutting through Big Sur on winding Highway 1 chasing the majestic Californa condors...”

Once they had hard evidence (tapes) that Nixon knew of Watergate all along, the senate leaders quietly visited him and showed him that the House would certainly impeach and his support in the Senate was down to 15 individuals. He resigned immediately. All the same wrangling took place: refusal to honor subpoenas,

The problem with EVE is that tinkering with the options in the UI is the only fun part. When it gets down to it, you mine, salvage or fight, each of which takes an inordinate amount of grinding at the beginning. You can’t figure out needlessly complex things like Planetary Interaction from the game, you have to go to

The house investigates then impeaches, via articles of impeachment, which constitutes the formal charge against the individual. The senate then convicts. The penalty of conviction is removal from office. Clinton was impeached for perjury (not for getting his dick sucked as many seem to think), but not convicted, thus

Usually smoke a doob, but I don’t think you’re talking about bar gigs.

I’ll bet this is a wonderful article but your UI is so intent on bombarding me with ads that every time I scroll the screen jumps around and I lose my place. I gave up after a while.

““’random innocent people’ or children” = civilians.”

Well, those numbers show that President GW Bush killed as many civilians as he did combatants when he used drones but I see no numbers concerning “random innocent people” or children. I see evidence that President Obama used the tools he had in the most circumspect way he could to accomplish military goals universal