Rurick Ringslinger

It’s almost like democrats are politicians too.

Citation needed.

False equivalence. Check.

How exactly do you plan to gate-keep “buy one get one free”?

The thing that jumped out at me in this article was that you are recommending using an inverter where there are other options. You should research each item you want to use and find out what the 12v options are for it. Anything that runs on DC (computer, phone, any battery that needs to be charged, anything with a

Oh please. I sat through Fiddler on the Roof when I was 10.

“...essential element of fairness and equal treatment that forms the bedrock of college sports.”

Yes, you are obsessing over something that doesn’t matter.

You should brag to everyone on the internet.

“If you pay at least your minimum balance...”

Because people who wear suit jackets fold papers in half that way and put them in their breast pockets. Whew, that was a tough one. Kudos to the hard nosed investigative reporters at Giz Media that worked day and night to bring you this one.

“ app concept that could approximate what any woman could look like naked using deepfake technology...”

Welcome to the Twitterverse where someone’s gramma not taking the protective plastic turtlechoker off some piece of technology or other is news.

Just turned over 180000 in my 2004.

Rush’s Signals album ended the era of good music for me. I turned off my radio after that.

I didn’t say anyone could get it done, did I? Civics 101. Congress passes laws, not the president. I said that people are realizing if we DON’T do something drastic we’re fucked. Which means we’re probably fucked because, like you point out, there really is no good mechanism for change that can operate fast enough to

So, they brought back a game from 15 years ago...and a million people are simply watching other people play it.

Thanks for the clarification. I’m wrong is saying that this is Murder 2 in this case in Florida as that scenario is evidently covered by voluntary manslaughter. Does Florida have a second degree murder law then?

First degree murder is the planned killing of another. Second degree murder is the same without the premeditation. In other words, you decide right there that you’re going to kill this person for no good reason (say over a parking spot) and then you pull out a gun and do that.

I’m betting five years with three suspended. Because that’s how fucked up our criminal justice system is.